I had the distinct pleasure to meet Andrew at my wife’s first Sauerwein’s 4th grade “team” Christmas party in 2016. A great time was had by all,. The true highlight of the evening was making friends with Andrew. It was Andrew that alerted me to the best and truest statement, and I can picture him now, “Momma talks too much” and made his hands chirp like a bird. A strong bond was instantly formed and I followed Andrew around the rest of the evening to just listen and marvel at all his experiences he has had and had planned for his future. Andrew didn’t lack from personality which is why we bonded so quickly. You can tell he was surrounded by people that believed in him, showed him love and taught him that he has something special to give to this world. His smile welcomed every person in the room and made them feel welcomed and accepted. This is a blessing from God as many people go a lifetime without being able to simply smile and make you feel like a millions dollars. While his presence on this earth may have been short, I will choose to remember him on a warm day with the sun smiling down upon us.